1) Get Fit (Gym at least 2X a week.. baby steps 'cause i've been a slacker all year;)
-for the health benefits
-reduces risk of some cancers
-helps achieve and maintain weight loss
-enhances mood (a biggie)
-lowers blood pressure
(in short, it'll make me look and feel better)
2) Learn something new everyday
3) Help others (by keeping up with volunteer work.. the lot)
4) Enjoy life (get shiz like school work/studying done in a more timely fashion to allow myself to:
-take up a new hobby
-go to more events (at ease without having an "anxiety attack" with all the work left at my desk)
-get out more (i lived the life of a hermit crab last semester)
5) Get organized (I have a terrible tendency of saving things I don't need which inevitably results in a horrendous clutter that overwhelms space that could very well keep me sane as opposed to claustrophobic;) soo.. after the countdown and a good night's sleep.. I'm taking a personal vow to trash everything I don't deem necessary for future reference (majority of the clutter consists of old notes that date back to sophomore year of highschool!)
6) Always prepare & be prepared! (I tend to be a slacker when it comes to group project meetings, tutoring sessions, & presentations)
7) Color my resume (internships, shadowing, research, extracurriculars.. the lot)
8) Go to bed as early as possible on weekdays (I learned through a series of "zombie me's after going to bed at 3 am the earliest" that I'm not superwoman.. and I can't do what most of my friends do by calling a night at the latest hour possible, getting up at 8-9 in the morning, and staying sane (-ish))
9) Bumping up the GPA (pretty much a gimme for all students, let's hope)
10) Reflect (todos los dias!) (received the most adorable "daily record" book from my dad's secretary for Christmas)
11) Think healthy! (A biggie this upcoming year would be to get up early enough to have breakfast every morning)
12) Become a tad savvier (if that's even a word) in these areas:
-Technology (ex) computer programs that are fairly simple for the majority of the nation intimidate me!)
-Public Speech (cause ya'll know I'm not the most eloquent speaker)
-Math (bane of my (academic) existence)
So there's my novel..hehe.. I guess you can consider these guidelines for the New Year.. don't think any of these are all that demanding.