Thursday, July 29, 2010

one of them days... and another random blogggggg

Let's start off with revealing one of my interests to you all. But first, a quick fyi; I have no desire to pursue a career in journalism at this point in life, but if I could choose to be someone in an alternate universe, I would probably choose to be Mariana Van Zeller.. only 'cause she's so hardcore with her fluency in four languages, traveling the world, bringing forth issues that are often overlooked in the media. She's a Portuguese journalist and currently a correspondent for the documentary series known as Vanguard which is a series on Current TV (for those of you who already didn't know that:). I believe her latest work released on Current was a story on an underground "slave trade" and how it was related to the 2010 World Cup in Africa. Iderno.. there's just something so intriguing about having the guts to go to some of the not so glamorous parts of the world and delving deep into issues that may seem so insignificant and miniscule at first glance.

Oh and another note.. SKYDIVING!!.. Holy crap I wanna go so badly. For those of you who have already had this, what should've been, a breath-taking experience, I envy you to the max! I wouldn't necessarily consider myself an adrenaline junkie, but this is something I know I have to do before I die.. kind a cliche part of "life's to-do list" but whatev's;).

Now let's talk about my experience this summer:

I've done a helluvalot of growing up these past months away from the 'berg bubble.. I've managed to work at three different locations while enjoying it all in one sweet package of summer experience. I interned at a Public Health & Research center in Manhattan, volunteered at a senior center in Flushing (my hometown ya'll!), and worked as a dental assistant.

Let's just say I learned a lot about myself and where I should be going. After assisting I came to the lovely conclusion that I can't picture myself staring into and working on someone's teeth and gums for the rest of my life as a career oriented individual. I was kind of on and off with the whole Pre-Dental thing last semester, however, this summer was the true deal-breaker.

Sooo.. what now????

Last week I had this strange desire to visit the Hospital at Stony Brook. With the moral support of my future doctors Czariavna and Priya (highschool buddies/major science, pre-med nerds at Stony Brook, practically my sisters:), I visited the hospital and came across the Nursing wing. Kind of set off a cool lightbulb. I've always geared myself toward a career in patient-care, so why the hell not? After doing quite a lot of research on my not-so-spare time (in my cubicle at the Public Health office, hehe), I came to the realization that this job is kind of perfect for me. I love hospitals, I'm great with people (even the elderly!), I'm not squeamish around blood, etc. So yeah, for the next two years it's all about getting a kick-ass GPA (easier said than done), finishing up requirements for the 1 yr accelerated program at Stony, and actually enjoying the rest of my undergrad career (despite the fact that it's in the 'berg bubble).

That's it. Stay tuned!

Much love,


1 comment:

  1. LOVED this post. :) I have had a similar experience this summer! Interning is so important, you learn a lot in the field and about yourself. I'm working on a similar post on my tumblr!
